Show the Love Campaign

Show the Love is a campaign supported by the Churches, Christian Aid, the Womens Institute, the Climate Coalition and many others each February since 2015. You can join in by making a green heart to decorate your home and remind you that all actions you take, however small, can help to safeguard our planet. By taking part you show the love for everything you want to protect from the climate crisis and to create a safer world for future generations.
Look out for Green Hearts on our Church noticeboards and in windows around the town.

Here are the prayers on the noticeboard
Green Christian are asking churches and individuals to use this Show the Love Prayer and Blessing in worship on Sunday 14th February – Saint Valentine’s Day.
Show the Love Prayer 2021
O God who is love
Let love empower our compassion
Let love embrace each and everyone
Let love unite humans and non-human
In restorative co-existence.
O Jesus, love come down to earth
May we honour the earth
May we honour all that dwells in the earth
May we be reconciled with the earth
Become what we are, of the earth.
O Spirit of love
Grant us a spirit of humility
Grant us a spirit of carefulness
Grant us a spirit of friendship
For the earth and all that dwells with us here.
Toni Bennett

Show the Love Blessing 2021
May our loving God,
who created the world and all that is in it,
Inspire us to delight in our beautiful home,
And to live in wonder, peace and joy.
May our living God keep our hearts turned to loving our neighbour and to respecting the creation we share.
May our merciful God help us to live this week in goodness and hope,
And fill us with God’s peace.
Amen Ash Vale Chapel Poetry Group
So beautiful is the world You created – from soil to sea, plants and trees of every sort.
How wonderful the waters teeming with living creatures, birds flying across the skies, all creatures and beasts on the land
Oh, how we have taken for granted and so greedily from the earth – destroyed habitats, hunted to extinction, desecrated environments and species.
We are sorry for our ignorance, our selfishness, our behaviour
Turn us into agents of action –
Help us to change our ways –
Encourage us to bring others with us; families, friends, politicians and world leaders to….
Learn new fairer, greener ways to live with each other
On this beautiful blue planet, till every…
Valley and mountain top, field and forest, river and sea is restored, and we find a new balance to live as You intended, for….
Evermore Amen
Sue Charlton
Here is a pattern for making green pompom hearts. Alternatively you could make them out of paper or felt.